The videos released on Zapuni’s site last week have broken 50,000 views on YouTube.
They’ve been featured in media running the gamut from general news (for example, Nikkei Sangyo) and earthquake related coverage, to anime, music, or culture websites. English and Japanese was a given, but we’ve also received coverage in languages including Spanish, Bahasa Indonesian, Thai, Chinese, Portuguese, Greek, Dutch.
If you enjoyed the videos and feel like the project’s aims are something you’d like to support, perhaps instead of buying coffee tomorrow, consider donating. All proceeds and gifts go will towards children from the areas affected by the 3.11 earthquake and tsunami.
Get Psychedelic Afternoon on iTunes

Thanks to everyone who has shared the Zapuni projects by Liking, tweeting, and talking to friends and co-workers. Your acknowledgement of these videos, and, more than anything, getting more people to see them, is so rewarding for the artists involved. Please help us spread them further!
Share “blossom”
Share “Psychedelic Afternoon”
Zapuni is just getting started. We have more in store besides video releases, so be on the lookout.
Zapuni Videos Break 50,000 views
The videos released on Zapuni’s site last week have broken 50,000 views on YouTube.
They’ve been featured in media running the gamut from general news (for example, Nikkei Sangyo) and earthquake related coverage, to anime, music, or culture websites. English and Japanese was a given, but we’ve also received coverage in languages including Spanish, Bahasa Indonesian, Thai, Chinese, Portuguese, Greek, Dutch.
If you enjoyed the videos and feel like the project’s aims are something you’d like to support, perhaps instead of buying coffee tomorrow, consider donating. All proceeds and gifts go will towards children from the areas affected by the 3.11 earthquake and tsunami.
Get Psychedelic Afternoon on iTunes
Thanks to everyone who has shared the Zapuni projects by Liking, tweeting, and talking to friends and co-workers. Your acknowledgement of these videos, and, more than anything, getting more people to see them, is so rewarding for the artists involved. Please help us spread them further!
Share “blossom”
Share “Psychedelic Afternoon”
Zapuni is just getting started. We have more in store besides video releases, so be on the lookout.